EverNest Welcomes Managing Director Justin Peacock

EverNest Financial Advisors is pleased to announce the addition of Justin Peacock, CFP® as Managing Director.
“This is a watershed moment for EverNest,” said Frank Esposito, CFA, Managing Partner. “I’ve known Justin for 24 years. When he came to interview at Goldman Sachs, I was the first person he met. We worked together at Goldman, and our careers have paralleled each other since. We both earned an MBA at Northwestern, and we both gravitated to wealth management—to put our talents to best use in service to clients. ”
As a managing director, Peacock will develop relationships with clients and serve as their lead advisor, directing financial planning, investments and generational estate planning. He has also been appointed to the firm’s Investment Committee.
“Frank is one the smartest investors I’ve worked with in my career, and he’s built an incredible team at EverNest that I’m thrilled to join,” said Peacock. “The firm is big enough to handle complex situations and small enough to build relationships one client at a time.”
Prior to joining EverNest, Peacock was a partner at a national RIA that acquired his prior firm, Balasa Dinverno Foltz (BDF). As a BDF partner, Justin built a client base focused on law-firm partners, investment-industry professionals, senior corporate executives and their families.
“Justin is 100% aligned with our culture, and there is no one I can think of better suited to help advance the good we work to achieve every day,” said Esposito. “Over the years, when I’ve had reason to ponder something important, I’ve called Justin—and vice versa. Now, we’ll collaborate every day.”
Peacock can be reached at (317) 708-7713 or jpeacock@evernestfa.com.
About EverNest Financial Advisors
Based in Indianapolis, EverNest Financial Advisors provides comprehensive financial planning and investment advisory services to individuals, families and non-profits. Learn more at https://www.evernestfa.com.